Mingus Tourette was born
and raised in western Canada, and has been
obsessed with writing and literature from
an early age. Since 1999, he has been published
regularly online and is now the writer /
editor of The
Daily Mingus. He is also the author
of the controversial
Nunt (Zygote Publishing, 2004) and the
ringmaster of this rolling circus. |
Rita Bouvier -
"Language is music, trees sing and
history/memory leaps and lingers just around
the corner. Listen. Observe. Through speaking
and writing, movement, and dreaming, words
come to give expression to ordinary, and
not so ordinary moments of consciousness.
Run, listen to the rhythmic sound of your
breathing, read, reflect, dream, dance,
recite, and then write, and write again!"
Born in Scarborough, Ontario,
Patrick Carroll has been
acquainted with many places across Canada.
He has self-published five poetry chapbooks
and is currently producing a second edition
of his most recent collection, "Anyplace
Beyond Ourselves," (2003 KAW Publications)
a full-colour collection of poems and photographs
mapping the internal and external landscapes
of a nation and one of its residents. He
now lives in Winnipeg.
Jordan Fry
is a poet, publisher and editor from Niagara
Falls. Under the Cubicle Press banner, he
has self published over six chapbooks of
poetry and several broadsides, as well as
an elite group of poets and novelists in
rob mclennan, Richard Stevenson, Tanis Rideout
and JJ Steinfeld. He is the managing editor
of the relatively new, Grey Borders magazine.
In his spare time he hosts literary readings
in the Niagara region. You can contact him
Mike Gravel
lives, loves, and gets laid in Edmonton,
Alberta. He’s a founding father of
the Raving Poets (www.ravingpoets.com)
movement in that city, and kicks out his
poetry any chance he can get, to whoever
will listen. He publishes and edits a regular
'zine (www.dirtpuppy.com),
he’s got a foul tongue, a love of
the beautiful, and a strange fascination
with platypuses (don’t ask). |
Kate MacNeill
dropped out of high school at 16 and moved
to a hippie-filled house in Winnipeg. For
a year, she starved, batted her eyelashes
for free coffee, didn't talk to anyone and
wrote. She moved home to finish high school
and pretend to be a Wal-Mart cashier. She
has spent the time since then travelling,
dancing til dawn, having rampant love affairs,
bleaching her hair instead of shaving it
off, and trying to convince everyone she
meets to start writing, quit their crappy
jobs and join the revolution. |
Tanis Rideout
was born in Belgium and grew up in Bermuda
and Canada. Last winter she published Velocity
her first chapbook of poems detailing a
friend’s devastating car accident.
More recently her attention has turned to
comic books and superheroes – like
her they are all writers, photographers
and actors. Like them Rideout can kick your
ass – but only to serve the greater
good. www.geocities.com/tanis_rideout |
Resonating from Regina Saskatchewan,
Tara Solheim explores language,
poetry and song. She has spoken words in
many contexts including performing her lyrics
at the Farrago Poetry Circuit in London,
England, strutting through Regina’s
streets as a singing and dancing pelican
and many performance poetry circumstances
throughout Canada. Currently her energy
is flowing into a melodic spoken word sound
recording based on the adventures of WonderWalker. |
Glen Sorestad
is a well known Saskatchewan poet who has
published over a dozen poetry volumes; his
work has appeared in over 40 anthologies
and textbooks. In 2000 he became Saskatchewan's
first Poet Laureate, the first provincially
appointed poet laureate in Canada. He is
a Life Member of the League of Canadian
Poets and in 2003 he received the Queen's
Golden Jubilee Medal. |
ct staples
lives everywhere and claims to be everyone.
he makes messes of all mediums. notable
accomplishments include: timelimited infamy
for his punkanarchonihilistic dadanarcamutations,
winning a poetry competition in fourth grade,
patenting the canopener/alarmclock. when
he is not studying mail order medicine,
or suffering thru rehab, he is known to
work with Pregnant Embryo Productions ,
in Victoria, BC.